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dual processing中文是什么意思

用"dual processing"造句"dual processing"怎么读"dual processing" in a sentence


  • 二重处理


  • An experiment on the relationship between cognition and emotion - the effect of modification of local perceptual traits on the dual process of recognition
  • As an ancient custom , the dual processing of funeral rites , which was found to be first held in the neolithic age , is still popular in the zhuang people and their neighboring areas
  • Review had been done on some encoding modes that affected the effective learning , which included intra - example features , such as the integration of diagrams and text , integration of aural and visual information and the integration of steps and subgoals , and inter - example features , such as multiple examples , variability of example and example - problem pairs ; ( 3 ) research on interaction between learner and the worked example suggested that self - explanations are an important learning activity during the study of worked examples , which were the dual processes of generating inferences and repairing mental models
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